Multianna's Blog
Sins of Solar Empire TS

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Download Team Speak

NOTE: if the server seems down let me know by mail, and ill make sure it comes online ASAP

Heres another of my crazy ideas and its also working

So let me know what you think
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 18, 2008
Join the IRC Channel ask if anyone lives... if someone is still living or half dead or undead... he/she/it or eet could join TS.

on Jan 18, 2008
Wow, you don't even classify eet as an 'it'. Poor.. um, eet, I guess
on Jan 18, 2008

its still running
Also i think it might be more populated when the game is released.

A side note, if there are clans out there who wish to have there own room on the server let me know or talk to one of the admins.

Admins are
Major Stress
or anyone who has the (CA) on the server

Bah, has a vent server running... and we'll give clans forums! (let me point out vent has superior sound quality over TS, any day...)
on Jan 20, 2008
Plus vent cost money, where TS is free to use

I haven't used vent because of that, so i cant speak about its quality, but for TS its quite nice, and i also enabled the best sound quality available

But what ever people wanna use is up to them, i just made a TS server dedicated to Sins if some wants to use it
on Jan 20, 2008
Plus vent cost money, where TS is free to use

OK... so what? They aren't the ones paying for the server. All they have to do is download the (free) client and get a mic.

I haven't used vent because of that, so i cant speak about its quality, but for TS its quite nice, and i also enabled the best sound quality available

Trust me, vents quality is better than TS's by far.
on Jan 20, 2008
You guys never have to worry about money as long as I'm involved. I pay for everything for the community. Hell the cost of a vent server set to CD quality for a year for 30 people is less then I spend on one night drinking alone (on those nights when it happens).
on Jan 20, 2008
does this mean i can have your computer when you get a new one?
on Jan 20, 2008

does this mean i can have your computer when you get a new one?

No, but you can have the computer after that

(Edit: And spartan, you should be careful about saying stuff like that, or I might start dropping hints about how I'd love a new HD and maybe a copy of 64 bit windows vista for DX10 )

Edit edit:

Multi, do you think that it costs money to run the server (true when its getting rented out), or the client (false, the client is a free download)?
on Jan 20, 2008
HDD is like 45 bucks and vista is free, i want his 8800 ultras
on Jan 20, 2008
$9.53 WWW Link
$12.99 WWW Link
$2.99 WWW Link

$25,51 total for a new 8800Ultra
on Jan 20, 2008

HDD is like 45 bucks and vista is free, i want his 8800 ultras

Vista isn't free... they canceled that promo


And a decent, larger-than-80GB HDD costs more than 45 bucks. Personally, I wanna half terrabyte of HDD space so I'm looking at 100$ ish. (Well, what I really want is a second drive with at least 250 so I can install the OS there, transfer my data from my current one, then wipe the current one clean of all the BS on it... it came pre-partitioned, so I can't just move my important data to the second partition to reinstall the OS, grrr.)
on Jan 20, 2008
Well guys I have a box of 250GB USB 2.0 HDD sitting here on the floor and other equipment in the closet I simply dont use. The question is is it worth it to mail to international. As some of you know I will be giving away some great stuff as prizes for our clancomp in the near future. I dont know about the HDD however.
on Jan 20, 2008
Well guys I have a box of 250GB USB 2.0 HDD sitting here on the floor and other equipment in the closet I simply dont use.


I was referring to an internal hard drive, but thats just close enough to be funny (Especially since that would give me a "secure" place to backup large ammounts of data, which is why I really *want* that second hard drive -- DVDs are such a hassle for that kind of thing).
on Jan 20, 2008
Ron just for you if you cover the cost of shipping I will send you some drives. However in a couple weeks due to your proactive involvement in the clan side of the house I may just buy one or two for you via the net and have them sent to your house. I have done it before just ask MrHide.

He so wanted a thumb drive for school work a couple years ago. So I sent him the best one on the market at the time (it cost me $400) because of his great coding for the forums. Sadly enough I was not aware that his country charged duties. He got hit with a big tax. But luckily his parents paid it for him. He was the king of the techies at his high school for some time with that puppy. I was also not aware that products like that were not sold in his country at that time.

I even sent Cad several hundred last year as well to help with his situation. It is good to own your own company and be your own boss.
on Jan 20, 2008
Ron just for you if you cover the cost of shipping I will send you some drives. However in a couple weeks due to your proactive involvement in the clan side of the house I may just buy one or two for you via the net and have them sent to your house. I have done it before just ask MrHide.

If you have so much money, why not invest it and then donate that to some charity? The Sins sinners don't deserve that much
Also i remember you said something about donating alot of computer stuff to a school near you. how did that go?

But what ever you do its cool with me, and there really should be more people like you on the earth

I even sent Cad several hundred last year as well to help with his situation. It is good to own your own company and be your own boss.

You own your own company? i thought you moved to china with your family and started on a new job there?
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