Multianna's Blog
Sins of Solar Empire TS

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Download Team Speak

NOTE: if the server seems down let me know by mail, and ill make sure it comes online ASAP

Heres another of my crazy ideas and its also working

So let me know what you think
Comments (Page 1)
8 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Nov 08, 2007
on Nov 08, 2007
on Nov 09, 2007
uhhh, what's teamspeak?

(note: i DO know what teamspeak is, just asking the question for anyone who might not)
on Nov 09, 2007
uhhh, what's teamspeak?

Team speak is a live voice chat where you can speak to friends and clan mates.
So for you to speak you will need a mic, or you can always just join it and listen.

Its a great way for team based games, as writing can be slower and certain things can be harder to explain with text only.
on Nov 09, 2007
Don't forget to behave while on it

*cracks whip*

Oh Multi, I just thought of how we can organize the rooms better.. or make them more confusing, depending on how you look at it. Will mention it tonight after I get home from work
on Nov 09, 2007
Cool, and remember your mic
on Nov 09, 2007
I won't
on Nov 09, 2007
you gotta i wanna hear Arnold Swarzenegger
on Nov 09, 2007
I'll be on that server tonite around 7pm my time
on Nov 09, 2007
i wanna hear Arnold Swarzenegger

I'd have to be quite drunk to be willing to try.
on Nov 09, 2007

you gotta i wanna hear Arnold Swarzenegger

that would be me then. same country and a hilarious foto got me that reputation.
on Nov 09, 2007
Are you volunteering?
on Nov 09, 2007
haha Donald Duck vs Arnold Swarzenegger in a game of sins
on Nov 15, 2007
The server is down? Whats up ?
on Nov 15, 2007
sorry about that, its up now
8 Pages1 2 3  Last